I do not know if writing this on a blog actually works as I have been doing since years ago but never got a real result. However, let's make it work this time (pointed at myself). My resolutions for 2020 and how to achieve it:
1. Read more. I read for like 11 books this year. I know it is less compared to the others. However, I am proud of myself. I want to read more in 2020 > 11 books, hopefully. I found some preloved English book accounts that sell various good books (I bought Frankly In Love and the Life Changing Magic of Tidying and those are in good condition). I may look up and buy from it again. Furthermore, I want to watch some booktube contents to give me insight into what books I should read.
2. Listen to Podcast/Islamic speech more. Before going to work or after subuh, I should play Inspigo or Podcast to enrich my knowledge on some certain topics, especially general knowledge, career wise, and Islamic topics.
3. Increase my English ability both in writing and speaking. I should rewrite a written post from some English blogs (at least twice in a week) and join Britzone class and Toastmaster meeting more (at least twice in a month).
4. Start learning Mandarin. I can learn from youtube and Duolingo. I should prepare my notes to focus on it.
5. Salat on time and read the Quran. It is so difficult but I will try my best.
6. Find ways to increase my income like writing on IDN or whatever (I am still thinking though).
7. Save more. I have to at least save 1 million IDR a month if there is no urgent need. I have to think more before purchasing something.
8. Tidy up. I must clean my room everyday and arrange my stuff orderly. Sunday is a maintenance day.
9. Go traveling. I want to try solo traveling. Hence, I have to save up more.
10. Start joining Yoga or something else like running or just dance or whatever as long as I can move my body.
I think that's enough. However, a thing I wish I can erase is rebahan (laying on bed for a long time) and playing Instagram. Let's not be a narcissistic person.